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Flying Crooked

When I was diagnosed (late, my own fault) with breast cancer, I didn't for a second wonder 'why me?' but simply accepted it. My attitude was at odds with a former lover who fought with anger and, you could say, lost the battle, whereas I, not fighting, am still here. Cancer inclines one to write a fictional memoir.

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'A sober, no-nonsense tale of coping with adversity.'

Het Nieuwsblad, Netherlands


'An open-hearted and moving tale.'

Library journal, Netherlands


'In a direct and unsentimental fashion the author sets her own acceptance of cancer against a friend's battle with the same disease.'

Elegance, Netherlands


'Although it's accurate to call this book a cancer memoir, it's equally accurate to call it a celebration of life in all its prosaic glory.'

The Vancouver Sun, Canada

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